Video: Ask Dr. Weiss: Physical appearance, personality and the soul, autism and other conditions

Some takeaways from Dr. Brian’s perspectives (guest speaker on Oprah relating to reincarnation and past lives):

  • Brian mentions an interesting perspective from mystic Teilhard de Chardin who stated that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and not human beings having a spiritual experience, and he meant this ongoing, eternal, unchanging soul and the personality is the temporary changeable part and not our true nature.
  • Brian mentions that karma is not punishment, it’s just an opportunity for learning and growth.
  • Brian mentions many souls especially advances souls will choose to incarnate in an impaired state whether physically, mentally or both in order to give other souls the opportunity to receive love, and to express love, and these types of situations really are chosen oftentimes and not the result of punishment or karma, but chosen in order to help other souls and spiritual beings to progress along their spiritual paths.

Full credits also to Dr Brian Weiss

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